Saturday, April 20, 2013

Halfway There!

This blog is timely because I have just reached two milestones in my journey toward Philadelphia! First, I am roughly half-way through the waiting period between December, when I was accepted into the program, and I when I move to Philly in September. In that period of time, I attained a second milestone: I have raised half of the support I will need for my Mission Year! For that, I thank you!

Many of you that have donated thus far are adults with stable (and often sizable) incomes. I extend my deepest gratitude for your generosity over the past six months. Some of you have even committed to give monthly! Thank you! In addition to your financial contributions, you have given me many potential stories to share about how the Lord has provided. I’d like to share a conversation with the friend that helped me break the halfway mark. The dollar that pushed me over that line came not from a “grown-up” with a “real job,” but from one of my peers, a college student.

This friend was not willing to blindly give to an organization he knew little about. Although he trusts me and knows my calling to see communities transformed, he wanted to know more. He invited me to dinner and respectfully inquired into the “Mission” of Mission Year: What will you be doing? How will this impact you? The community? Why should I give?

I shared my vision to see the social, economic, and—most importantly—spiritual revitalization of urban neighborhoods that have long been neglected by society and by the Church. I shared why I chose Mission Year over other programs: it balances evangelism with justice, partners across denominations, and is intentional about multi-ethnicity and racial reconciliation. I shared my hope to gain experience in a non-profit that will propel me into a career in community development. I shared my trust in the leaders to teach me well what it means to be a white, middle-class, college-educated guy from the suburbs working in a poor, underprivileged, minority, urban community. My friend, now sharing more fully in my calling, handed me his donation.

I am learning many things through the support-raising process: humility, faith, patience. But as I raise support, I must share my vision and calling with others like I did today with my inquiring friend. I share this story out of gratitude, not just for his contribution, but for his questions. As I wait until September, I am grateful to have the opportunities to rehearse that calling again and again as I raise support, building expectation and reminding me regularly of what the Lord wants for me.

So thank you for your support. I need your financial gifts and your prayer, but as I wait with anticipation, I also need you as an outlet to share my excitement about what God will do in my Mission Year in Philadelphia.

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